Enter the medical field as a registered nurse!

Upon the completion of this Associate of Science in Nursing program, students will be able to take the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX RN) and begin a professional nursing career. This is best for individuals who are looking into getting into the medical field as healthcare professionals.

Dominium Institute is committed to becoming a program of excellence within the State of Florida. Students are provided a foundation of theoretical instruction complemented with clinical experience in a variety of healthcare settings to provide a broad, holistic, and reality-based understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a professional nurse.

Program Objective:
This program offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standard and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education ad a career in nursing; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency- based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills. The purpose of this program is to prepare students for employment as Registered Nurses.
Program Description:

This Associate of Science in nursing degree in the Nursing program is committed to becoming a program of excellence within the State of Florida. Students are provided a foundation of theoretical instruction complemented with clinical experience in a variety of healthcare settings to provide a broad, holistic, and reality-based understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a professional nurse.

Students will participate in planned clinical and laboratory experiences that will compliment classroom learning and will stress health promotion as well as disease processes. Upon the completion of the program, students will be able to take the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX RN) and to begin a professional nursing career.

The profession of Nursing is a nurturing, relationship-oriented discipline in which the importance of perception and meaning in contexts of diversity, culture, change and quality of the influence the delivery of care to focal systems, the development of professional ethics and educational methods.

Enroll Now!

Start your healthcare career with Dominium Institute. Enroll now or send us your questions here.

Program Outline:

Course No. Course Title Credits Hrs.
Total General Education Credits (Must be transferred in) 18
GEN 100 College Algebra Transfer
GEN 102 Biology Transfer
GEN 103 English Composition Transfer
GEN 104 General Psychology Transfer
GEN 105 Humanities Transfer
GEN 106 Lifespan Human Growth and Development Transfer
Total Core Credits 54
APH104 Anatomy and Physiology, I Theory and Lab 3
APH105 Anatomy and Physiology, II Theory and Lab 3
NUR106 Nursing Fundamental I 3
NUR106L Nursing Fundamental I Lab 1
NUR106C Nursing Fundamental I Clinical 1
PHA107 Pharmacology 3
DRU108 Drug Calculation 3
NUR110 Medical Surgical Nursing I 3
NUR110L Medical Surgical Nursing I Lab 1
NUR110C Medical Surgical Nursing I Clinical 3
NUR200 Medical Surgical Nursing II 3
NUR200L Medical Surgical Nursing II Lab 1
NUR200C Medical Surgical Nursing II Clinical 3
NUR205 Geriatric Concepts 3
NUR205L Geriatric Concepts Lab 1
NUR205C Geriatric Concepts Clinical 1
NUR210 Nursing Care of Women/Maternity Nursing 3
NUR210L Nursing Care of Women/Maternity Nursing Lab 1
NUR210L Nursing Care of Women/Maternity Nursing Clinical 1
NUR215 Pediatric Nursing 3
NUR215L Pediatric Nursing Lab 1
NUR215C Pediatric Nursing Clinical 2
PSY220 Mental Health 1
PSY220L Mental Health Lab 1
PSY220C Mental Health Clinical 1
NUR225 Community Nursing 2
LED230 Leadership Management 1
LED230C Leadership Management Clinical 1